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Welcome to Hannah Mendez Blog!

Hannah Mendez Blog is a place where you can read about all my adventures, travels, financial tips and even life tips that you can relate to… something that we experience in our everyday lives that you can connect with. Yeah, it would be my honor sharing these to all of you, folks! 



The Girl Behind the Blog


Hi, I’m Hannah!


A twenty something trying to figure out this kind of mess thing called life. 


Being in our twenties is really so hard, we are in between teens and adults - some are getting married, having babies and pursuing their dreams. And me? No clear vision of what I really wanted to do in my life. I don't know where to go …. until I got a job that I don’t know if this is the job I really wanted but to tell you the truth, nooo. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, I need to pursue those things that I really want, keep me alive, happy and inspired. No worries, I’m on it and getting on with the process. Yay! Yes, cheer me up, folks! We can do this. You guys are the reason why I’m pursuing it, to inspire and pass on the positive vibes!


From this blog, this serves as my personal diary - will share all my experiences in travels, finance and even in life tips that I know any of  you can relate with. I want to inspire each one of you and from this simple platform - I hope you find Hannah Mendez 'blog helpful.


Keep rocking, folks!


Blessings :) 

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